Scientific Heritage of Professor Nikoloz Beruchashvili (1947-2006)
Revaz Gachechiladze
Dali Nikolaishvili
Nana Bolashvili
Neli Jamaspashvili
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 111-122
Received: 17 July 2017
Accepted: 18 July 2017
Published: 1 September 2017
Abstract: A special issue “New Challenge for Geography: Landscape Dimensions of Sustainable Development” (journal; “Earth Sciences”) is dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of Prof. Nikoloz (Niko) Beruchashvili – a famous Georgian geographer and cartographer, PhD in Geography at the Chair of Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of Tbilisi State University, head of the scientific-research LAB studying the states of environment with aerospace methods (1979-2006) and Physical-Geographical Station of Martkopi (1982-2006), the Chair of the International Geographical Union’s Commission on Landscape Analysis (2004-2006). This issue discusses modern problems of landscape science and related fields of knowledge. In the 1970s, N. Beruchashvili organized and managed a program of annual observations on the dynamics of landscapes at Martkopi physical-geographical center and also seasonal observation centers for different landscapes of Georgia. He also organized expeditions to the Caucasus and different parts of the World. He established air observations of the landscape conditions to study its dynamics. On the basis of these observations, he developed a spatial-temporal concept of landscapes. He introduced some terms to landscape science (such are geomasses, geohorizons, vertical structure, stexes - daily conditions, etc.) and developed main principles. He published more than 220 scientific works, 28 of them are monographs (Tbilisi, Paris, Moscow).As a researcher, N. Beruchashvili visited and worked in 60 countries of the World. In 1975-1976, he did a special course at Paris VII University in France. In 1987-2005, he was invited to give lectures and did scientific works at different Universities (Warsaw, Sofia, University in Brno, Toulouse, Grenoble, etc.).He contributed to the introduction and development of the GIS-technologies in geographical researches in Georgia, as well as establishment of Chair of Geoinformatics at Tbilisi State University, Georgia. For the total period of his working at the Tbilisi State University, he organized a number of international forums. His students and scientific followers are working in different branches of geography and cartography, and they also work successfully in tourism, land cadaster, statistics, military analysis, urban planning, etc. The Special issue is prepared by Alexander Javakhishvili Geographical Society of Georgia.
Abstract: A special issue “New Challenge for Geography: Landscape Dimensions of Sustainable Development” (journal; “Earth Sciences”) is dedicated to the 70th birthday anniversary of Prof. Nikoloz (Niko) Beruchashvili – a famous Georgian geographer and cartographer, PhD in Geography at the Chair of Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of Tbilisi State...
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Spatial Analysis Used in Baseline Study for the Preparation of Management Plan of Kazbegi Protected Areas
Tamar Bakuradze
Andrei Kandaurov
Marine Mosulishvili
Dali Nikolaishvili
Mamuka Gvilava
Sophiko Kenkebashvili
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 93-110
Received: 4 August 2017
Accepted: 7 August 2017
Published: 23 August 2017
Abstract: Collected data were separated in three generalized subsystem: environment (its main elements: air, land and water) as an Abiotic subsystems; flora and fauna, as the elements of a Biotic subsystem and Cultural environment, as a third subsystem, with its historical-cultural heritage and existing infrastructure. Interpretation and evaluation of the data were made for each component (Abiotic, Biotic and Cultural) through the use of criteria of significance and description of constraints (limiting factors) which were elaborated under the project SPPA/CS/2015-5/RE1. In parallel with the studies, the structure of GIS geodatabase for the protected area was created, which consists of both base map features – GIS layers, and thematic part. The base map scale is 1:25k, the scale of thematic maps is 1:50k. Based on the study results, the recommendations were developed: on the issues of the protected area category relevance, internal zoning, use of natural resources, biodiversity protection and monitoring. These recommendations will assist in the management plan preparation process, in order to accurately define the objectives of protected area and to properly design the work of the management and staff of the protected area.
Abstract: Collected data were separated in three generalized subsystem: environment (its main elements: air, land and water) as an Abiotic subsystems; flora and fauna, as the elements of a Biotic subsystem and Cultural environment, as a third subsystem, with its historical-cultural heritage and existing infrastructure. Interpretation and evaluation of the da...
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Monthly Variations of Rainfall Erosivity (R factor) in Shida Kartli, Georgia
Mariam Tsitsagi
Ana Berdzenishvili
Ketevan Gogidze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 87-92
Received: 28 June 2017
Accepted: 29 June 2017
Published: 21 August 2017
Abstract: Soil erosion is a global problem that tends to become more extreme on the background of climate change. Rainfall is one the main drivers of soil erosion. One of the best indicators of the potential erosion risks is the rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (R) of the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE). Shida Kartli is one of the main agrarian regions in the country and research on soil erosion has the great importance. The purpose of this study is to assess monthly variations of rainfall erosivity in Shida Kartli region from the RUSLE R-factor, based on the best available datasets. The rainfall erosivity index for a rainfall event, EI30, is calculated from the total kinetic energy and maximum 30 min intensity of individual events. However, these data are unavailable in study region since 1990. Alternative approaches are used for the calculation of EI30 in this paper. Soil erosion rate is sufficiently high in eastern Georgia. According to the results of previous studies, two maximums of R-factor are calibrated in May and July in Shida Kartli. A set of equations is presented for calculating monthly and annual R factor values based on daily precipitation data for Shida Kartli in the current study. Data have been collected from 2 meteorological stations for the period from January 1990 through December 2016. Precipitation time series for both stations included 27 years. Rainfall-runoff factor (R) for each month (Rmonth) of study period has been determined and seasons with high rainfall erosivity were established for both stations.
Abstract: Soil erosion is a global problem that tends to become more extreme on the background of climate change. Rainfall is one the main drivers of soil erosion. One of the best indicators of the potential erosion risks is the rainfall-runoff erosivity factor (R) of the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE). Shida Kartli is one of the main agrarian ...
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Basic Factors of Climate Peculiarities Formation and Climatic Zoning of Samtskhe-Javakheti
Lamzira Lagidze
Lia Matchavariani
Nodar Tsivtsivadze
Giorgi Bregvadze
Nargizi Motsonelidze
Nino Paichadze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 83-86
Received: 18 July 2017
Accepted: 19 July 2017
Published: 9 August 2017
Abstract: In the article the main factors: solar radiation, atmosphere’ circulation processes and relief defining the climate features of Samtskhe-Javakheti are discussed. On the basis of mentioned factor analysis, it is revealed that their impact and intensity is changed according territory and by seasons. This difference and weather particular conditions connected with it determine the climate conditions features in different places according the seasons. On the basis of these factors analysis it has become possible to divide Samtskhe-Javakheti into climate areas, for which article of Sh. Javakhishvili “Сlimatic zoning map of Georgia” and 40-year series were used. In the Samtskhe-Javakheti region the following 7 climatic areas areal located: -Moderately humid climate with cold winter and short summer (1); -Moderately dry (steppe) subtropical mountainous climate with small snow cold winter and long warm summer (2); -Moderately dry(steppe) subtropical mountainous climate with cold, small snow winter and long cool summer (3); -Mountain climate with cold winter and long summer transferred from humid maritime to humid continental one (4); -Mountain climate with cold winter and short summer transferred from humid to moderately humid one (5); -Moderately dry subtropical mountainous climate with cold, small snow winter and short summer (6);- Mountainous moderately humid climate with exception of real summer conditions (7).
Abstract: In the article the main factors: solar radiation, atmosphere’ circulation processes and relief defining the climate features of Samtskhe-Javakheti are discussed. On the basis of mentioned factor analysis, it is revealed that their impact and intensity is changed according territory and by seasons. This difference and weather particular conditions c...
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Adaptive Sustainable Management of Forests in Borjomi
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 73-82
Received: 4 July 2017
Accepted: 5 July 2017
Published: 9 August 2017
Abstract: The study of Borjomi forest is based on number of topics/issues including Landscape-Ecological Carcass (LEC) of Borjomi Municipaliy for Planning the Forest Use, which was developed by Prof. Nikoloz Beruchashvili. The study also includes social recerch that allows complex analyzing and evaluating the following issues: Forestry problems (general, their explanation/recommendation for solving these problems); Problems in agriculture (general, their explanation/recommendation for solving these problems); Exploitation of forest resources (fuelwood/timber); Logging for own consumption/for selling locally/for exporting (fuelwood/timber); Tentative price of logging (fuelwood/timber); Tentative price of transportation (fuelwood/timber); Tentative price of selling the wood locally/for export (fuelwood/timber); Tentative volume of/timber consumption; Use of fuelwood for heating/cooking; Problems regarding grazing (is present area for grazing sufficient for existed cattle); Recommendations for improving the condition of forest resources/legal Issues/management issues.
Abstract: The study of Borjomi forest is based on number of topics/issues including Landscape-Ecological Carcass (LEC) of Borjomi Municipaliy for Planning the Forest Use, which was developed by Prof. Nikoloz Beruchashvili. The study also includes social recerch that allows complex analyzing and evaluating the following issues: Forestry problems (general, the...
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Assessment of Hydrological Conditions of Water Bodies for Recreational Purposes by the Example of Tbilisi Water Reservoir Paper
David Kereselidze
Vazha Trapaidze
Giorgi Bregvadze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 68-72
Received: 1 July 2017
Accepted: 4 July 2017
Published: 2 August 2017
Abstract: Urbanization has significant effect on the environment, management of water resources and waste systems, air pollution, road infrastructure etc. Tbilisi water reservoir is an important recreational resource that is why the assessment of its ecological and qualitative state is necessary for implementation of available resource potential. Assessment of hydrological conditions is important for use of aquatic eco-systems of water reservoirs and adjacent territories for recreational purposes. Cause and effect relationships between recreational load and hydrodynamic characteristics of water are analyzed in this article; also the attractiveness index is established that enables us to identify vulnerable sectors and issues.
Abstract: Urbanization has significant effect on the environment, management of water resources and waste systems, air pollution, road infrastructure etc. Tbilisi water reservoir is an important recreational resource that is why the assessment of its ecological and qualitative state is necessary for implementation of available resource potential. Assessment ...
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Effective Ways to Improve Agro-Ecological Conditions of Vine – Kakheti Region
Givi Gagua
Merab Gongadze
Tamara Chichinadze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 62-67
Received: 31 May 2017
Accepted: 1 June 2017
Published: 2 August 2017
Abstract: The aim of our research was to improve the agro-ecological conditions of viticulture in Kakheti region in the way of changing the physical properties of soil. As it is well known, the climatic conditions and soil peculiarities determine the quality of the produced grapes and wine. Academician F. Davitaia mentioned that the species of vine and the place of their growth are reflected in the wine as in the mirror [4]. Research is based on the method of Italian Professor M. Frigon – “The impact of black soil on the vine”. The Chernozems regulate vegetative and reproductive processes of the plant, support growing of roots. By this activity vegetation period is changing, air temperature is increasing and roots are growing intensively. The experiment was held in one vineyard plot of Telavi municipality. 20 cm thick alluvial material of the Duruji River was added to the soil. The dark cleavingstone has enriched the soil and improved its airing. There were many gray pebbles and small stones in waste material, which supported increase of growing degree days by 300-400°C in vegetation period. As a result, the grape harvest has increased and tasting properties of grape has improved. The experiment showed that river material improves agro-ecological conditions of the vine, increases its productivity and improves wine quality.
Abstract: The aim of our research was to improve the agro-ecological conditions of viticulture in Kakheti region in the way of changing the physical properties of soil. As it is well known, the climatic conditions and soil peculiarities determine the quality of the produced grapes and wine. Academician F. Davitaia mentioned that the species of vine and the p...
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Subtropical-Humid Agro Landscape Zoning of Adjara Region by Multifactor Approach
Zurab Seperteladze
Eter Davitaia
Melor Alpenidze
George Gaprindashvili
Guram Memarne
Nino Kedelidze
Tamar Aleksidze
Nino Rukhadze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 31-37
Received: 1 June 2017
Accepted: 2 June 2017
Published: 17 July 2017
Abstract: Physical and geographical factor are the main for Agro-Resource Assessment, which is multi-criterion and multidimensional. We considered a multi-faceted approach to optimal solution for solving this task. It has been possible to improve geographical (complex) research, agro landscape zoning of territory, optimal evaluation of natural conditions, assignment and assessment of places with different range and dimensional numerals. The methodology for assessing the agro-resource potential of the territories has been elaborated and the regularities of spatial distribution (hypsometric stages and types of landscapes) of the agro-cultures spread in the Adjara region are established. Based on the creation and development of numerous databases, large-scale landscape zoning has been carried out using GIS-technology.
Abstract: Physical and geographical factor are the main for Agro-Resource Assessment, which is multi-criterion and multidimensional. We considered a multi-faceted approach to optimal solution for solving this task. It has been possible to improve geographical (complex) research, agro landscape zoning of territory, optimal evaluation of natural conditions, as...
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Diversity, Ecotopology and Hypsometric Distribution of the Endemic Flora in High- Mountain Phytolandscapes of the Caucasus
Shamil Shetekauri
Lali Kutateladze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 38-48
Received: 14 June 2017
Accepted: 19 June 2017
Published: 17 July 2017
Abstract: The paper considers diversity, systematic-geographical, ecotopologic (biotopologic) structure and peculiarities of hypsometric distribution of the endemic flora in the high-mountain phytolandscapes in the western (Abkhazia, Samegrelo), central (Svaneti, Racha-Lechkhumi, Shida Kartli, Khevi) and eastern (Khevsureti, Tusheti, Mountainous Kakheti) parts of the Eucaucasus (Caucasus Mountains). Endemic calciphilous flora is especially characteristic of limestone lithological areas, which within the borders of Georgia are met only in Abkhazia, Samegrelo and Racha-Lechkhumi, whereas diversity of endemic flora of argillaceous slate and marly habitats is observed in Tusheti and Pirikita Khevsureti (the gorges of the rivers Pirikita, Gometsari Alazani and Arghuni-Andaki-Asa). These habitats are nowhere else met within the boundaries of Georgia. It should be noted that in the florogenesis of the high mountain endemism a significant role was played by orogenesis processes of the Caucasus, which was caused due to extinction of ancestral species at lower altitudes and resulted in their geographical isolation. This is proved by geographical and hypsometric vicarism of some species of generas Campanula, Cerastium, Silene, Erysimum, Pedicularis, Delphinium, and Jurinea. The western, central and eastern parts of the Caucasus are floristically different not only from each other, but also from neighboring mountain massifs. The above mentioned is conditioned by distinct geographic isolation of the mountain system of the Caucasus, different altitudes, petrology, and glaciogenic relief. Floristically, slate screes and rocky habitats are most diverse. The endemic species are unequally distributed in different mountain systems and phytolandscapes of the Eucaucasus. It again indicates to the significance of the phenomenon of the well expressed geographical isolation of the Caucasus Mountains.
Abstract: The paper considers diversity, systematic-geographical, ecotopologic (biotopologic) structure and peculiarities of hypsometric distribution of the endemic flora in the high-mountain phytolandscapes in the western (Abkhazia, Samegrelo), central (Svaneti, Racha-Lechkhumi, Shida Kartli, Khevi) and eastern (Khevsureti, Tusheti, Mountainous Kakheti) par...
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Soviet Toponymy: The History and the Present
Davit Sartania
Dali Nikolaishvili
Avtandil Ujmajuridze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 49-55
Received: 16 June 2017
Accepted: 19 June 2017
Published: 17 July 2017
Abstract: The article identifies the scales of the Soviet toponymy (macro-toponyms and toponyms as such) in Georgia and some geographical peculiarities of their territorial distribution. The study was undertaken in several stages: (1) identification and analysis of the general list of Soviet toponyms (according to the geographical background, naming circumstances and date of origination), (2) identification of the scales of Sovietization for different Regions of the country and territorial peculiarities, (3) development of the classification of Soviet toponyms, and (4) mapping the Soviet toponyms. A number of sources were used to achieve these goals, including territorial-administrative organization, general population census, cartographic sources, toponymic studies, etc. The study revealed that the process of “Sovietization” of the toponyms developed in several directions: by giving the names of memorial names to administrative units and settlements (regions, cities, settlements and villages); by giving the ideological Soviet names to the geographical objects; by partially changing the toponyms (by translating or adding epithets); by forming new objects of the Soviet revival and naming them.
Abstract: The article identifies the scales of the Soviet toponymy (macro-toponyms and toponyms as such) in Georgia and some geographical peculiarities of their territorial distribution. The study was undertaken in several stages: (1) identification and analysis of the general list of Soviet toponyms (according to the geographical background, naming circumst...
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The Geographic Reference Atlas of Georgia: Basic Principles
Guliza Liparteliani
Manana Kurtubadze
Nato Sologhashvili
Tamar Chichinadze
Roman Kumladze
Levan Tielidze
Ana Iremashvili
Nino Geslaidze
Irma Kveladze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 56-61
Received: 22 June 2017
Accepted: 26 June 2017
Published: 17 July 2017
Abstract: Developing the national atlases as a main goal of geography has been determined by the 18th International Geographical Congress in Rio-de-Janeiro in 1965. The interest to create thematic complex atlases was increased. The first and the second National Atlases of Georgia show a high level of the exploration of the nature, population, economy and history of Georgia. Both, the first and the second atlases are scientific by the content, the purpose and the design. Nowadays, Georgian society requires to understand country not only from maps, but also from photos, related text annotations and graphic representations. These requirements are well answered with a new Geographic Reference Atlas of Georgia and this is the first time this type of atlas is being prepared.
Abstract: Developing the national atlases as a main goal of geography has been determined by the 18th International Geographical Congress in Rio-de-Janeiro in 1965. The interest to create thematic complex atlases was increased. The first and the second National Atlases of Georgia show a high level of the exploration of the nature, population, economy and his...
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Present Landscapes and Their Ecological States in the Ore Mining Region of Chiatura
Elene Salukvadze
Tamila Chaladze
Tamar Khardziani
Ketevan Gogidze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 8-16
Received: 6 May 2017
Accepted: 8 May 2017
Published: 11 July 2017
Abstract: Comprehensive studies have been carried out in the manganese deposit areas in Chiatura. The studies showed changes in separate components of the nature – relief, air, water, soil, which have taken place due to anthropogenic, namely, technogenic influence and peculiarities of ecological states of the components. Using literary sources, expedition materials, aerospace images and topographic maps we have compiled a large scale map (1:50 000) of the landscapes of the mining region of Chiatura; The scheme depicting ecological condition; We have also revealed ecologically hazardous foci.
Abstract: Comprehensive studies have been carried out in the manganese deposit areas in Chiatura. The studies showed changes in separate components of the nature – relief, air, water, soil, which have taken place due to anthropogenic, namely, technogenic influence and peculiarities of ecological states of the components. Using literary sources, expedition ma...
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The Study of the Dynamics of Forest Landscapes in Georgia Based on the Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Concept of Natural-Territorial Complexes
Dali Nikolaishvili
Nino Chikhradze
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 17-22
Received: 8 May 2017
Accepted: 10 May 2017
Published: 11 July 2017
Abstract: The study of the forest dynamics of Georgia’s landscapes is based on the analysis spatial-temporal concept of natural-territorial complexes (NTCs), which was developed by Prof. Nikoloz Beruchashvili. This question allows analyzing and evaluating the following issues: forest resource potential of landscapes and restoration of the retrospective picture of the forest area in the different historical periods. This landscape approach allowed us to identify the trend of changes in the horizontal structure of the landscapes having occurred on the territory of Georgia in that long period of time. In particular, the following factors were analyzed and identified: areas of the landscapes, forest area and degree of its diminution, amount of phytomass, etc. Thus, on the basis of the research some peculiarities of the modern horizontal structure of the landscapes of Georgia were identified, also the trend of change of the horizontal structure of the landscapes of Georgia from the early days of human society to present was identified and the degree of diminution of the natural-territorial complexes of the forests of Georgia from the early days of human society to present was identified.
Abstract: The study of the forest dynamics of Georgia’s landscapes is based on the analysis spatial-temporal concept of natural-territorial complexes (NTCs), which was developed by Prof. Nikoloz Beruchashvili. This question allows analyzing and evaluating the following issues: forest resource potential of landscapes and restoration of the retrospective pictu...
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Climatology and Historical Trends in Tropical Nights over the Georgian Territory
Mariam Elizbarashvili
Elizbar Elizbarashvili
Nato Kutaladze
Shalva Elizbarashvili
Roman Maisuradze
Tea Eradze
Neli Jamaspashvili
Nano Gogia
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 23-30
Received: 17 May 2017
Accepted: 18 May 2017
Published: 11 July 2017
Abstract: Based on the materials of observation of 50 meteorological stations of Georgia for the period between 1936-2013, research has been made of geography, structure, intensity, duration and dynamics of tropical nights on the Georgian territory. Nights are considered tropical if minimum air temperature is above 20°C (TR20). Tropical nights are most widespread in the intermountain trough – Kolkheti lowland, the plains of Central and Lower Kartli, Alazani valley, where the average number of tropical nights during one year reaches 35. With the growth of altitude, the number of tropical nights naturally decreases, and on the height of 1000m there are no tropical nights detected. As a result of global warming the increase in the number of tropical nights has been most notable on the Black Sea coast and in the region of the nearby Kolkheti lowland (4-6 days per decade). In the internal regions of the lowland and in the Eastern Georgia the rate of change decreases. On the Black Sea coast tropical nights start in April and last until October. They are most intense in July and August, exceeding 27°C. On the Kolkheti Lowland tropical nights start in March and last until November. Here they are more intense (27-30°C, June-July). In the Eastern Georgia the duration of tropical nights decreases. In Kartli they last from May until September, whereas in Kakheti they last from June until September. Maximum intensity of tropical is nights peaks in July or August, when it comprises 24-26.5°C. The intensity of tropical nights has increased by 0.1-0.3°C per decade.
Abstract: Based on the materials of observation of 50 meteorological stations of Georgia for the period between 1936-2013, research has been made of geography, structure, intensity, duration and dynamics of tropical nights on the Georgian territory. Nights are considered tropical if minimum air temperature is above 20°C (TR20). Tropical nights are most wides...
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Javakheti Plateau – New Tourist Area of Republic of Georgia
Vazha Neidze
Mzia Tutberidze
George Khomeriki
Merab Gongadze
George Lominadze
Nino Pavliashvili
Issue: Volume 6, Issue 5-1, October 2017
Pages: 1-7
Received: 13 May 2017
Accepted: 15 May 2017
Published: 9 June 2017
Abstract: Javakheti, a historical province of Georgia, is a region of complex natural conditions, distinctive landscape and a unique limnographic network. Eight protected areas have been established in this region during the last 20 years. In the past, a variety of reasons hindered tourism development in this region, leaving it substantially behind other regions of the country. Now, as a result of a geographical study of natural, cultural and historical sites in the region - and following the launch of the Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway crossing its territory - considerable touristic development is expected in Javakheti. Five tourism resource zones have been allocated within the region.
Abstract: Javakheti, a historical province of Georgia, is a region of complex natural conditions, distinctive landscape and a unique limnographic network. Eight protected areas have been established in this region during the last 20 years. In the past, a variety of reasons hindered tourism development in this region, leaving it substantially behind other reg...
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